Background Checks
Background Checks
Traditional fingerprinting in ink. Using a card (FD-258) for job applications, studies, corporations or any other service.
Fingerprinting for an FBI background check. Results are emailed within hours. Checks are carried out for citizens or non-citizens upon request.
Fingerprints are used by the FBI to positively identify individuals and match their unique fingerprints to their criminal records. Most agencies and states require specific employees or personnel to submit their fingerprints to the FBI for an FBI background check. FBI fingerprinting is just one step in a larger process that ultimately involves obtaining your full FBI background check report.
Reasons for an FBI criminal background check
: for adoption
check Background check for student
visa Background check for court related
matters Background check for personal
review Background check for foreign
travel Background checks for attorney applications.
Florida Background Checks
You may request fingerprinting to be submitted and obtain the results from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
If you require fingerprints for a job in the state of Florida, you can obtain them with this service. Only the following information is required:
Requirements for an FDLE Background Check
Valid State ID
Background Check Reason
Number ORI